Mt. St. Helens' eruption in 1980 was the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic catastrophe on record in U.S. history. Fifty-seven people died, including U.S. Geological Survey geologist David Johnston, who was on duty. St. Helens had another eruptive cycle from 2004–2008.
Recent monitoring: In a new study in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, researchers assessed the long-term development of a new lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens after the 2004–2008 eruptive cycle.
Using LiDAR data, researchers found that the lava dome has decreased in elevation by more than 35 meters from 2009 to 2019.
They also found that heat output from the lava dome has decreased constantly. Fumarole temperatures at the dome summit decreased from 380° C in 2014 to 60° C in 2024.
Hidden magma chambers: Continental arc volcanic eruptions like Cascadia are pumped from deep crustal magma systems; however, the imaging and characterization of these magma chambers is challenging, and many questions around their generation, size, depth, and time span, remain unanswered.
In a recent study published in Nature Geoscience, researchers have used seismic evidence to image and characterize magma chambers beneath the Cascade Volcanic Arc.
What they did: By converting P- and S-wave scattering beneath seismometers in the region, the researchers constructed 3D subsurface images beneath six volcano summits.
What they found: The researchers found the following top-bottom depths and volumes for magma chambers beneath the six volcano summits:
Mount Rainier in Washington State: 3–7 km deep, 39–534 cubic kilometers
Mount St. Helens in Washington State: 5–10 km deep, 65–534 cubic kilometers
Mount Hood in Oregon: 10–15 km deep, 262–534 cubic kilometers
Newberry Volcano in Oregon: 3–7 km deep, 39–157 cubic kilometers
Crater Lake in Oregon: 4–10 km deep, 157–785 cubic kilometers
Lassen Peak in California: 4–9 km deep, 261–785 cubic kilometers
The study shows the presence of long-lived, shallow, melt-dominated chambers across the Cascadia revealed by low-seismic velocity data.
Go deeper: Read the full study in Nature Geoscience here.