Americans have called parts of Asia “the far East,” but now, EAST takes on a new meaning with China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor.
Driving the news: Last week, EAST hit a monumental milestone—it sustained a plasma temperature above 180 million degrees Fahrenheit (100 million degrees Celsius) for 1,006 seconds, a period just shorter than 17 minutes.
Why it matters: EAST is part of China’s “artificial sun” project, which aims to commercialize nuclear fusion reactors.
That temperature from the “artificial sun” is more than six times hotter than the core of the real sun and might have finally created a place on Earth that’s warmer than somewhere I’d like to live.
Chinese scientists claim EAST is now capable of replicating a future nuclear fusion power plant.
EAST is 11 meters high, 8 meters in diameter, and weighs more than 400 tonnes.
It is a standard tokamak design, with a magnet inside a toroid.
It has four types of high-powered radio frequency heating systems, equivalent to tens of thousands of microwave ovens. Maybe it could finally get the inside of a Hot Pocket unfrozen 😉.
Lithium wall conditioning has routinely been used to reduce both impurity and hydrogen recycling.
EAST’s achievements contribute to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor program (ITER) and the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR).
ITER, which is being built in southern France, will be the world’s largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment device and the largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor.
EAST is a prototype very near to the ITER tokamak, and thus, it can serve ITER advanced research in terms of engineering technology and physics.
It sounds like even the most optimistic estimation of when the first commercialization of ITER will be is at least half a century.
Geoscientists will still need to pursue other avenues of energy generation in the meantime, but we will also continue the search for the favored fuel of fusion—hydrogen.
To learn more about EAST, go here. To learn more about ITER, check this out.